CNN Apologizes To HATEBREED For 'White Power' Error
August 8, 2012CNN has apologized to Connecticut hardcore/metal masters HATEBREED after publishing an article which erroneously listed them as one of "white power" bands whose names "defiantly express feelings of hate or violence."
After it was revealed that the white supremacist responsible for the massacre earlier this week at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin was a white supremacist skinhead who played in two white power music bands, END APATHY and DEFINITE HAT, Lonnie Nasatir — the director of the Anti-Defamation League's Upper Midwest Region — wrote an opinion piece urging members of the media to "shine the light of day on the hateful lyrics and subculture, so that more people will speak out and reject their disturbing and sometimes violent message." In the article, he named less than a dozen of "about 100 to 150 white power bands" that exist in the United States, and included HATEBREED in the list.
Usurprisingly, this caused many of HATEBREED's fans to send angry tweets to CNN pointing out the error, with the bandmembers themselves posting the following message on Twitter earlier today: "Again @CNN loses all respect. First they ignore the #FREERANDYBLYTHE story now they slander us. We demand a retraction & an apology. #hacks"
CNN eventually caught wind of its mistake and removed HATEBREED's name from the list. In addition, the following message was posted at the bottom of Nasatir's article: "A previous version of this commentary incorrectly included the band HATEBREED in a list of white power bands. HATEBREED is a self-described 'hardcore metal' band. CNN regrets the error."